Welcome to Kindergarten » Six Tips For Easier Bedtimes and Better Sleep

Six Tips For Easier Bedtimes and Better Sleep

Preschoolers (ages 3-5 years) generally need between 10-13 hours of sleep per night.sleep
bedtime1. A predictable series of events should lead up to bedtime. This can include bathing, putting on pajamas, brushing teeth, and reading a story. 
2.  Avoid television, tablets, computers, and video games. 
3.  Put kids to sleep drowsy, but awake. 
4.  Cuddle up with a stuffed animal or soft blanket. Giving a child a security object can be a good transition to help them feel safe when their parent isn’t there. 
5.  Bedtime checkups should be short and sweet. When checking up on a child, the mainnight purpose is to let them know you are near and that they are all right. 
6. Stick to the same bedtime and wake time every day, even on weekends. Staying up late on weekends can throw off a child’s sleep schedule for several days. 





                For more information on the importance of sleep and supporting your family to sleep better,  click here!