Safe & Caring Schools
Our Philosophy
South East Cornerstone Public School Division believes that all students have the right to learn and interact in a safe and caring environment. All students and staff are to display respect, tolerance, care and compassion for others, and no student or staff member is to condone or participate in any actions that may be regarded as demeaning, derogatory or discriminatory.
The Division is committed to creating and maintaining school community environments where all people are treated with dignity and respect. The Division recognizes that encouraging and respectful environments help students to achieve to the best of their ability. To improve student success and achievement, we must ensure that students feel safe, nurtured, welcomed, respected and included.
Fair Notice Letter
This "Fair Notice Letter" is to inform you that our school division has developed guidelines that require principals to complete a “threat assessment’ in all cases of students making threats to harm themselves or others.
Everyone is responsible for keeping our schools safe.
Students have the responsibility to:
- participate in maintaining a safe, positive environment conducive to learning
- support their school's philosophy for a safe and caring environment
- attend school regularly and follow the rules of the school and individual classrooms
- participate willingly in their learning
- respect others' safety, well being, personal property and school property
- dress to promote a positive image of school and community
- be accountable for their behaviour
- respond positively to reasonable expectations
- cooperate in employing a problem solving approach in discipline situations
School staff members have the responsibility to:
- participate in maintaining a safe, positive environment conducive to learning
- promote their school's philosophy for a safe and caring environment
- recognize students' individual needs
- involve students in developing classroom procedures which promote reasonable, responsible and respectful behaviour
- guide students in problem-solving approaches which enhance self-knowledge, self-esteem, and self-discipline.
- work and cooperate with the parents to resolve concerns involving students
Parents/guardians have the responsibility to:
- Make sure their child is properly nourished, appropriately dressed, and prepared for school
- Take an active interest in their child's school work and progress
- Ensure their child attends school regularly and on time
- Communicate regularly with the school
- Become familiar with the school's behaviour expectations and school policies
- Respect the school's use of an individualized problem solving approach to discipline
- Encourage their child in curricular, and school sponsored extra-curricular activities
SCCs have the responsibility to work with parents and community members to:
- Develop shared responsibility for the learning success and well-being of all children and youth; and,
- Encourage and facilitate parent, community and youth engagement in school planning and improvement processes
For More Information
- Please visit the Safe School section of your child's school website for school-specific information
- Deepening the Discussion: Gender and Sexual Diversity (Saskatchewan Ministry of Education, 2015)
- Saskatchewan's Action Plan to Address Bullying and Cyberbullying (Saskatchewan Ministry of Education, 2013)