Employment » Work at Cornerstone

Work at Cornerstone

Hiring Process

South East Cornerstone Public School Division has moved to 
ApplyToEducation​ for all job postings and online applications.


All applications for positions must be submitted through our online application process. No paper copies or emails will be accepted, unless otherwise specified.


All applicants interested in working for South East Cornerstone will need to create an online portfolio in ApplyToEducation and apply to job postings online. (Applicant Guide)


Create an Account Here


  • Once your account is created, please make your profile visible by clicking on ‘Portfolio’ and then selecting ‘My Portfolio’ and at least one employment preference (Full Time, Part Time, Contract or Occasional/Subbing).
  • To view and apply to job postings, click on the ‘Job Postings’ tab in your account and then ‘Search Jobs’. 
  • Once you have applied to a position successfully it will arrive in your ‘Job Application Log’ in the ‘Job Postings’ section.
  • Applicants are encouraged to sign up for the “Job Alert” feature, found in your portfolio, to be notified by email when positions are posted.


Thank you for your interest in the South East Cornerstone Public School Division.